Introduce a Teacher

If you are registered with Salford Supply Desk and know of a teacher or teaching assistant seeking work, simply refer your friend to Salford Supply Desk. Once they work 10 full days, you will receive £100!


Recommend a Teacher/TA


Teacher/TA works 10 full days


You receive £100*

Introduce a teacher here!

Candidates Details

Your Details

There is no limit to the number of TEACHERS or TA’s you introduce. However, the following conditions apply:


  • To introduce a Teacher or TA to us you must be currently registered to work with Salford Supply Desk
  • The teacher/assistant has not previously registered with SSD
  • The teacher/assistant has given permission for their details to be sent to us
  • The teacher/assistant completes at least 10 days work for SSD
  • The introduced teacher/assistant may only be introduced by the person signing the ‘Introductory’ form
  • The ‘Introductory’ form has to be completed before the teacher/assistant completes their registration
  • The suitability for registration and deployment will rest ultimately with SSD subject to our vetting policy.